Hot Happens
Hot Happens is Jackie Albarella’s take on the humorous adventures of everyday living.
“This book is like the beads of sweat on my forehead, a collection of stories about the quirky everyday activities that we all experience. It is a book written from a mid-life, everyday, non-underwire-bra-wearing woman. It’s for every woman flashing with their head inside the freezer door, has shopped for a bra, stepped on a scale, or encountered wiggly monsters in the garden.”
From Hot Happens: “Each year we would return, and each year I would notice which person had evolved from the colorful, flowery bathing suit, to the “black, Italian lady bathing suit”.
What people are saying about Hot Happens:
“Once I picked it up I read it straight through, cover to cover. It was so enjoyable, I couldn’t put it down. Thanks for filling my afternoon with daydreams and chuckles…”
“Just finished your book, “Hot Happens” … I am still laughing!… A very entertaining book; some really funny stuff .”
“Just read “Hot Happens” which has confirmed what I’ve always suspected about you. You’re high-larious! (Loved it.)”