The Corner of Clinton & Union

The Corner of Clinton and Union was the downtown of Gardenville. Once a bustling center of commerce, it had an ice cream shop, drugstore, Dr. office, market and just about anything you could want or need for daily life.

Gardenville was one of the original walkable communities. Each year the parade closed down the bridge for the annual parade, this area was bustling throughout the late 50’s.

Here are some images sent from Pam Stadler Kowalewski

from when Gardenville was hopping.

Lefty’s Drugstore

Mrs. Bierlein’s candy store at the corner of Clinton & Union. Later became the town lock up and Charlie Wohlfeil and his family occupied the rest of the rooms. This building was later moved to 3655 Clinton.

Stadler’s home 3468 Clinton.
Originally it was Blessings blacksmith shop.
The house sat where the car dealer shop is on Clinton and Union roads now.


Crowds waiting to see the annual parade.


Dr. Ballou’s home 3412 Clinton Street